It's been a while...
It has been a while since I last posted sumthing on me blog (blocked!)
I am Finally Woken!
You see I've finally woken
From a long sleep
I'm ready to jump
To make that blind leap
Child don't worry it's ok
The sun is out for another day
Today's the first day of the
rest of your life
And I say it'll be alright
Now, everything has gotten back to normal again.
Paternal-shock period is over, now it's back to doing things that I used to dig & getting meself busy into. Or shud I call - Indulgence.
1 - Cars..rides...wheels..automobiles...kereta.
Whatchamacallit. They took a big chunk of my cranial storage.
Who can get enuff of it?
We buy one, we want another.
You buy this model, the good next door neighbour buy another model...and you want his.
2 - Musique
Life would be dull without it.
Hail to all the rockaz and crooners out there!
I'm beginning to start (again...) my Cd collection project again.
I just recently gotten a CD from Mich Gerber 'Tales Of The Wind' - Mamamia, it's such a wonderful string album with a tinge of middle east sound...without the bombs of course. A rare gem.
Lotsa Merci to Monsieur Gert for the CD.
I know...I know I missed the bus.
But the CD that had been permanently stucked inside my hifi since last week is Jem - Finally Woken album.
This awek from Cardydd Cymru is simply a genius in her own way.
I mean how could all her songs are 'earlicious'???
So, now we have Bjork in one spectrum of musical prodigy and....Jem the New-Girl-In-HifiLand in another corner.